WA-ID (September 30 - October 5, 2006)

I was home for another recruiting trip and got to stop in Washington for a few days first.
I got to meet Kerri's son, Jake and Joelle's son, Dillon, that were born days apart in August.
Then, I got to visit Marci, Randy and their girls in Idaho while recruiting!

Kerri with baby Jake.

Jake, so tiny!

Helen standing by Anthony playing in the backyard at Aunt Marci's

Baby Dillon and Joelle.

Awe, the bald little boy!

Me, Joelle and Dillon.

At Marci's, Triniti and Araya.


The Wood family! Randy, Marci, Araya and Triniti.

Me, Marci, Araya and Triniti.